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Overview of the Terrace Generator The Terrace Generator in Map Generator is a tool designed to produce step-like landforms on the slopes of hills. It is often used in conjunction with other generators like Noise (as the terrace's input) and Erosion (originating from terrace's output) to create intricate and realistic landscapes. While the pure output of the Terrace Generator may not always appear visually appealing, its true power shines when combined with other generators to enhance terrain realism and diversity.



  1. Num: Sets the number of terraced steps, ranging from 2 (at the top and bottom of the terrain) to any reasonable number. While this parameter affects generator performance, the Terrace Generator is relatively fast, so values below 100 have minimal impact on total generation time.

  2. Uniformity: Controls the height difference between terrace steps. A value of 1 ensures that all steps have the same height, while a value of 0 allows the height to vary from zero to twice the uniform height.

  3. Steepness: Determines the incline of the step's vertical plane (riser) and the angle of the bend between the tread and riser. A value of 1 generates perfectly vertical risers with maximum tread length, while a value of 0 reduces the tread's length (though the terrace effect remains, and you can further adjust its visibility using the intensity parameter).

Use Cases:

  • Landscape Variation: The Terrace Generator is used to create diverse landscapes with step-like features, enhancing the visual appeal and realism of terrains.

  • Combined Effects: When used in combination with other generators like Noise and Erosion, the Terrace Generator plays a crucial role in crafting intricate and natural-looking terrains.

The Terrace Generator offers map creators the ability to introduce step-like landforms into their terrains, providing a valuable tool for enhancing terrain diversity and realism. Its true potential is realized when combined with other generators to create visually compelling landscapes.